Core Values


Clarity is about providing understanding and confidence when it comes to making financial decisions within your business. Far too often finance professionals throw around fancy jargon to make themselves sound smart, but let’s be honest- nobody wants that and it sure doesn’t help YOU move the needle on your outcomes. I am far more interested in providing you with straight-forward, timely, and impactful insights to empower you to make decisions confidently within your business. I believe keeping it simple and intentional is the best approach.


Servicing your best interests is at the forefront of everything I do. I take pride in delivering consistently excellent service and making sure you know you can rely on me in all situations. I take a different approach than other providers in that I go the extra mile to make sure you as the business owner understand the topics we work through and feel confident in what’s going on. I strive to strike the right balance between keeping you informed of relevant takeaways, while not overloading you with the trivial details. I believe this service-first approach consistently creates high value outcomes and results in maximum impact for you and your business.

Our relationship is not your typical vendor relationship. We will interact as executive peers, so you can expect our conversations to be at a different level than what you’d have with other vendors, employees, colleagues, etc. I know what it’s like to be an owner/ executive of a business because I’ve been there. I bring real operational experience to the table and understand the constant balancing act between time, money, people, and resources that it takes to run a successful business. As your executive peer I will challenge you to think differently, act with integrity, and make a positive impact on the lives of those whom your business touches every day. And we’ll have some fun together along the way- are you up for it?

Peer Leadership

From the Owner

Founder & CEO

Kevin Shannon, MBA

In business, mission is everything. Our “why”, our purpose, who we serve, why we get out of bed every morning. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years in business, it’s that without money, there is no mission!

To put it another way, I would say without mastery of money it is unlikely that our mission will be achieved. I’ve seen this time and time again, during my years in Big4 accounting & advisory serving the largest multi-billion dollar corporations, to serving as CFO for multiple growing mid-size businesses, to the small businesses I now serve— a sound financial ground game often wins the day, but one based on “gut” feeling or intuition without understanding the numbers can kill you. I believe money is a tool for us to allocate our precious resources and energy towards our most important goals, beliefs, and aspirations. I find it incredibly gratifying when I’m able to help an owner achieve this alignment in their lives and better enable their business to benefit society. I believe small-midsized businesses are underserved financially, and I’m on a mission to fix this!

Through our partnership and the services we offer, I’m sure we can help you gain that same mastery over your business outcomes and financial future. If you’re struggling in these areas, I would love to discuss with you and learn more about the challenges you are facing.